Sunday, January 3, 2010

Generation Gap

Alright, so I had so much fun doing the last Generation Gap that I'm doing another one.

This time, we've got a lady Dwarf, who I see is Arcane Resistant. I'll go ahead and call her Dana. A raven haired lass with pale blue eyes, a bit on the smallish side, Dana looks a bit more like a halfling than a dwarf. Dana's into her adult years, not quite middle aged, pushing sixty.

Dana was born to a pair of entertainers – her father was a musician and poet, while mom was a gymnast and dancer. Dana lives in a small logging village, growing up among humans, dwarves, and one or two elves. The family has been part of the community for quite a while, moving there over 400 years ago to meet with some distant relatives. Dad's not doing too well these days, health-wise, unlike Mom, whose lifestyle keeps her active. At least Dad never had a nervous breakdown every time Dana left the house for a few hours – with a mother that protective, it's no wonder Dana is used to getting her way (leaving her with a Charisma penalty).

Dana is the middle of a big family five siblings. Her youngest sister, Mara, is also sick, which is putting a drain on the family's finances, while the next oldest, her sister Hannah, is in and out of prison for bar brawls. Her brother Kristoff, two years younger than Dana, is doing just fine, while Dana's older brother was kidnapped by slavers when Dana was very young – and Dana's oldest sister was actually sold into slavery by the State as punishment for a crime she committed before Dana was born. No wonder Mommy cottoned to her so much. Dana is now the oldest kid in the house, with one languishing, one in prison, and two children in fucking slavery. Luckily, Kristoff and Dana are close, which is great, because Hannah doesn't speak to her and Mara has actually tried to kill her once.

Between profession of her parents, having a younger brother who looked out for her, a younger sister who has spent most of her life in prison, and a youngest sister who would rather she was dead, Dana always looks for a way out of a conflict before resorting to violence. Her grandfather, an old cleric, was pleased by this outlook and promised her fortune and glory if she followed her heart, an idea Dana has held onto – because it's better than being sold into fucking slavery. Dana spent a lot of time running from her problems by climbing trees, easy to find where she grew up, which helped her avoid some of her family's chronic health problems and probably contributed to Mara's hatred of her.

As Dana started to become a young woman, she took up archery with the elves in the area, who taught her a few woodland survival tricks as well. A knight passing through the area must have seen some spirit and talent in young Mara, and she was offered the chance to become his squire. Something about his words resonated with the young Dwarven woman, who must have decided that sounded better than being sold into slavery/being kidnapped into slavery/spending time in prison waiting to be sold into slavery, and what the heck, might give her the chance to find her brother and sister – and get away from her murderous sister. With a tearful farewell to Kristoff and her mother, Dana set forth.

At this point I can either just accept the Knight career, or I can roll randomly. Being as the Knight skill package is pretty sweet, I take that. Plus, skimming the table, I see there's a small chance I can actually drag my family out of financial burden and maybe protect myself from Mara.

Dana swore an oath to defend the weak and helpless, and right out of the gateset out on an epic quest to earn her spurs (and three free skill dice) – Ol' Grampa Dwarfington was right, she was set for a long and glorious career. In the course of things, Dana's order found itself trying to end a raging war, and Dana wound up on the frontlines more than once – she honed her fighting skills, but lost an arm and wound up behind enemy lines as a prisoner of war – an unpleasant experience for anyone, but more than usual for Dana. However, prison only strengthened her resolve to survive, and she carried out her term with quiet dignity.

Eventually, her order ransomed her and presented her with a small gift – an enchanted longsword, a gift usually granted to Knights with ten more years of experience (at this point, I pull out the Fantasy Gear Toolkit and roll up a pretty sweet +2 damage bonus). Dana has recently been told by her (somewhat embarrassed) superiors to wander the earth doing good until they have need of her, a promise she is happy to oblige.


Ag d8

Sm d4

Sp d8

St d10

Vg d8

Climbing d6

Fighting d10

Guts d6

Intimidation d6

Riding d6

Shooting d4

Survival d6

Pace 5

Parry 8

Toughness 7(1)

Charisma -1


One Arm

Pacifist (minor)

Vengeful (minor)

Arcane Resistance


Gear : $100, Kristoff (Magic Longsword, d10+d8+2), leather armor, steel helmet

Character thoughts: Dana is actually a pretty sweet character – a one armed warrior dwarf-knight-lady who fights like a bitch from hell. I can see room for this character to develop, and as a GM, there's plenty of story hooks in this her. As far as negatives go, Dana is going to have a hard time getting started with her lack of wherewithal, and that Pacifist Hindrance is really going to be a problem until she gets some Persuasion or ups her Intimidation.

Edit: Uh, no Notice die, I see.


Sitting Duck said...

Where did the -1 to Charisma come from? None of the Hindrances she has listed modify Charisma. Is it one of her racial disabilities (I don't currently have the Fantasy Companion)?

Theron said...

Her overprotective mother is to blame for that. Dana was so sheltered as a child that she didn't interact much with people who weren't her family or other adults in the community. It's not really a Hindrance, it's more like a background thing with a mechanical function.